Twitilist is an easy to use Twitter list manager. I created Twitilist because I needed a faster way to organize my lists than what twitter offered via their website. I also wanted to learn about Google's Appengine platform and this was the project I decided to do that with. Twitilist is written in python. This site was launched in January of 2010.
Chatty McChatterson
Chatty McChatterson is one of the most easy to use chat rooms around. Simply go to the homepage, click create, and a new chat room is created. From there a user can send the link to anybody they want to join the chat room.
I created Chatty because in our office at the time we had no easy way of doing a group chat. Our company allowed us to work remotely and we would have the need to all be chatting at the same time like during deployments. It worked well for the small purpose I had for it. It is not secure and should not be used for any communications that a user would not want to be publically available.
Wodbox App Website
When I joined the Wodbox team the business model was to scrape workouts from a gym's website and populate the app with the data. Because scraping in this manner was not a scalable solution I was tasked with building a system that allowed gym owners to log in and enter their workouts into the web app. The data entered into the system was then able to be syndicated out through the mobile apps as well as back to the gym owner's sites via a 3rd party javascript that I wrote.
When I started this project I was really excited because the Hybrid Media team was very knowledgable and skilled and I knew I would have the opportunity to learn a lot from them. I was going to get to work with ruby and rails for the first time and this was another reason I was excited to work on this project. I gained valuable experience in mobile app development, deployment, and marketing even though I wasn't directly working on the apps.